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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc

Contact:  http://www.sencha.com/contact

GNU General Public License Usage
This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as
published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the
packaging of this file.

Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0
requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department
at http://www.sencha.com/contact.

Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
// @tag extras,core
// @require misc/JSON.js
// @define Ext

 * @class Ext
 * The Ext namespace (global object) encapsulates all classes, singletons, and
 * utility methods provided by Sencha's libraries.
 * Most user interface Components are at a lower level of nesting in the namespace,
 * but many common utility functions are provided as direct properties of the Ext namespace.
 * Also many frequently used methods from other classes are provided as shortcuts
 * within the Ext namespace. For example {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp} aliases
 * {@link Ext.ComponentManager#get Ext.ComponentManager.get}.
 * Many applications are initiated with {@link Ext#onReady Ext.onReady} which is
 * called once the DOM is ready. This ensures all scripts have been loaded,
 * preventing dependency issues. For example:
 *     Ext.onReady(function(){
 *         new Ext.Component({
 *             renderTo: document.body,
 *             html: 'DOM ready!'
 *         });
 *     });
 * For more information about how to use the Ext classes, see:
 * - <a href="http://www.sencha.com/learn/">The Learning Center</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.sencha.com/learn/Ext_FAQ">The FAQ</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.sencha.com/forum/">The forums</a>
 * @singleton
Ext.apply(Ext, {
    userAgent: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
    cache: {},
    idSeed: 1000,
    windowId: 'ext-window',
    documentId: 'ext-document',

     * True when the document is fully initialized and ready for action
    isReady: false,

     * True to automatically uncache orphaned Ext.Elements periodically
    enableGarbageCollector: true,

     * True to automatically purge event listeners during garbageCollection.
    enableListenerCollection: true,

     * @property {Object} rootHierarchyState the top level hierarchy state to which
     * all other hierarchy states are chained.  If there is a viewport instance,
     * this object becomes the viewport's heirarchyState. See also
     * {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#getHierarchyState}
     * @private
    rootHierarchyState: {},

    addCacheEntry: function(id, el, dom) {
        dom = dom || el.dom;

        if (!dom) {
            // Without the DOM node we can't GC the entry
            Ext.Error.raise('Cannot add an entry to the element cache without the DOM node');

        var cache = Ext.cache,
            key = id || (el && el.id) || dom.id,
            entry = cache[key] || (cache[key] = {
                data: {},
                events: {},

                dom: dom,

                // Skip garbage collection for special elements (window, document, iframes)
                skipGarbageCollection: !!(dom.getElementById || dom.navigator)

        if (el) {
            el.$cache = entry;
            // Inject the back link from the cache in case the cache entry
            // had already been created by Ext.fly. Ext.fly creates a cache entry with no el link.
            entry.el = el;

        return entry;

    updateCacheEntry: function(cacheItem, dom){
        cacheItem.dom = dom;
        if (cacheItem.el) {
            cacheItem.el.dom = dom;
        return cacheItem;

     * Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is unchanged
     * @param {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} [el] The element to generate an id for
     * @param {String} prefix (optional) Id prefix (defaults "ext-gen")
     * @return {String} The generated Id.
    id: function(el, prefix) {
        var me = this,
            sandboxPrefix = '';
        el = Ext.getDom(el, true) || {};
        if (el === document) {
            el.id = me.documentId;
        else if (el === window) {
            el.id = me.windowId;
        if (!el.id) {
            if (me.isSandboxed) {
                sandboxPrefix = Ext.sandboxName.toLowerCase() + '-';
            el.id = sandboxPrefix + (prefix || "ext-gen") + (++Ext.idSeed);
        return el.id;

    escapeId: (function(){
        var validIdRe = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$/i,
            escapeRx = /([\W]{1})/g,
            leadingNumRx = /^(\d)/g,
            escapeFn = function(match, capture){
                return "\\" + capture;
            numEscapeFn = function(match, capture){
                return '\\00' + capture.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ' ';

        return function(id) {
            return validIdRe.test(id)
                ? id
                // replace the number portion last to keep the trailing ' '
                // from being escaped
                : id.replace(escapeRx, escapeFn)
                    .replace(leadingNumRx, numEscapeFn);

     * Returns the current document body as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document body
    getBody: (function() {
        var body;
        return function() {
            return body || (body = Ext.get(document.body));

     * Returns the current document head as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document head
     * @method
    getHead: (function() {
        var head;
        return function() {
            return head || (head = Ext.get(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]));

     * Returns the current HTML document object as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document
    getDoc: (function() {
        var doc;
        return function() {
            return doc || (doc = Ext.get(document));

     * Returns the current orientation of the mobile device
     * @return {String} Either 'portrait' or 'landscape'
    getOrientation: function() {
        return window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';

     * Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the
     * DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if available).  This method is primarily
     * intended for arguments of type {@link Ext.Element} and {@link Ext.Component}, but any subclass of
     * {@link Ext.util.Observable} can be passed in.  Any number of elements and/or components can be
     * passed into this function in a single call as separate arguments.
     * @param {Ext.dom.Element/Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element[]/Ext.util.Observable[]...} args
     * Any number of elements or components, or an Array of either of these to destroy.
    destroy: function() {
        var ln = arguments.length,
        i, arg;

        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            arg = arguments[i];
            if (arg) {
                if (Ext.isArray(arg)) {
                    this.destroy.apply(this, arg);
                } else if (arg.isStore) {
                } else if (Ext.isFunction(arg.destroy)) {
                } else if (arg.dom) {

     * Execute a callback function in a particular scope. If `callback` argument is a
     * function reference, that is called. If it is a string, the string is assumed to
     * be the name of a method on the given `scope`. If no function is passed the call
     * is ignored.
     * For example, these calls are equivalent:
     *      var myFunc = this.myFunc;
     *      Ext.callback('myFunc', this, [arg1, arg2]);
     *      Ext.callback(myFunc, this, [arg1, arg2]);
     *      Ext.isFunction(myFunc) && this.myFunc(arg1, arg2);
     * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to execute in
     * @param {Array} [args] The arguments to pass to the function
     * @param {Number} [delay] Pass a number to delay the call by a number of milliseconds.
     * @return The value returned by the callback or `undefined` (if there is a `delay`
     * or if the `callback` is not a function).
    callback: function (callback, scope, args, delay) {
        var fn, ret;

        if (Ext.isFunction(callback)){
            fn = callback;
        } else if (scope && Ext.isString(callback)) {
            fn = scope[callback];
            if (!fn) {
                Ext.Error.raise('No method named "' + callback + '"');

        if (fn) {
            args = args || [];
            scope = scope || window;
            if (delay) {
                Ext.defer(fn, delay, scope, args);
            } else {
                ret = fn.apply(scope, args);

        return ret;
     * @private
    resolveMethod: function(fn, scope) {
        if (Ext.isFunction(fn)) {
            return fn;
        if (!Ext.isObject(scope) || !Ext.isFunction(scope[fn])) {
            Ext.Error.raise('No method named "' + fn + '"');
        return scope[fn];

     * Alias for {@link Ext.String#htmlEncode}.
     * @inheritdoc Ext.String#htmlEncode
     * @ignore
    htmlEncode : function(value) {
        return Ext.String.htmlEncode(value);

     * Alias for {@link Ext.String#htmlDecode}.
     * @inheritdoc Ext.String#htmlDecode
     * @ignore
    htmlDecode : function(value) {
         return Ext.String.htmlDecode(value);

     * Alias for {@link Ext.String#urlAppend}.
     * @inheritdoc Ext.String#urlAppend
     * @ignore
    urlAppend : function(url, s) {
        return Ext.String.urlAppend(url, s);

Ext.ns = Ext.namespace;

// for old browsers
window.undefined = window.undefined;

 * @class Ext
FF 3.6      - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17
FF 4.0.1    - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
FF 5.0      - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0

IE6         - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1;)
IE7         - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1;)
IE8         - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
IE9         - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)]
IE10        - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC LM 8)

Chrome 11   - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.60 Safari/534.24

Safari 5    - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1

Opera 11.11 - Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.11
    var check = function(regex){
            return regex.test(Ext.userAgent);
        isStrict = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat",
        version = function (is, regex) {
            var m;
            return (is && (m = regex.exec(Ext.userAgent))) ? parseFloat(m[1]) : 0;
        docMode = document.documentMode,
        isOpera = check(/opera/),
        isOpera10_5 = isOpera && check(/version\/10\.5/),
        isChrome = check(/\bchrome\b/),
        isWebKit = check(/webkit/),
        isSafari = !isChrome && check(/safari/),
        isSafari2 = isSafari && check(/applewebkit\/4/), // unique to Safari 2
        isSafari3 = isSafari && check(/version\/3/),
        isSafari4 = isSafari && check(/version\/4/),
        isSafari5_0 = isSafari && check(/version\/5\.0/),
        isSafari5 = isSafari && check(/version\/5/),
        isIE = !isOpera && check(/msie/),
        isIE7 = isIE && ((check(/msie 7/) && docMode != 8 && docMode != 9 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 7),
        isIE8 = isIE && ((check(/msie 8/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 9 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 8),
        isIE9 = isIE && ((check(/msie 9/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 8 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 9),
        isIE10 = isIE && ((check(/msie 10/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 8 && docMode != 9) || docMode == 10),
        isIE6 = isIE && check(/msie 6/),
        isGecko = !isWebKit && check(/gecko/),
        isGecko3 = isGecko && check(/rv:1\.9/),
        isGecko4 = isGecko && check(/rv:2\.0/),
        isGecko5 = isGecko && check(/rv:5\./),
        isGecko10 = isGecko && check(/rv:10\./),
        isFF3_0 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.0/),
        isFF3_5 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.1/),
        isFF3_6 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.2/),
        isWindows = check(/windows|win32/),
        isMac = check(/macintosh|mac os x/),
        isLinux = check(/linux/),
        scrollbarSize = null,
        chromeVersion = version(true, /\bchrome\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
        firefoxVersion = version(true, /\bfirefox\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
        ieVersion = version(isIE, /msie (\d+\.\d+)/),
        operaVersion = version(isOpera, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
        safariVersion = version(isSafari, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
        webKitVersion = version(isWebKit, /webkit\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
        isSecure = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol),

    // remove css image flicker
    try {
        document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
    } catch(e) {}

    var primitiveRe = /string|number|boolean/;
    function dumpObject (object) {
        var member, type, value, name,
            members = [];

        // Cannot use Ext.encode since it can recurse endlessly (if we're lucky)
        // ...and the data could be prettier!
        for (name in object) {
            if (object.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                value = object[name];

                type = typeof value;
                if (type == "function") {

                if (type == 'undefined') {
                    member = type;
                } else if (value === null || primitiveRe.test(type) || Ext.isDate(value)) {
                    member = Ext.encode(value);
                } else if (Ext.isArray(value)) {
                    member = '[ ]';
                } else if (Ext.isObject(value)) {
                    member = '{ }';
                } else {
                    member = type;
                members.push(Ext.encode(name) + ': ' + member);

        if (members.length) {
            return ' \nData: {\n  ' + members.join(',\n  ') + '\n}';
        return '';

    function log (message) {
        var options, dump,
            con = Ext.global.console,
            level = 'log',
            indent = log.indent || 0,

        log.indent = indent;

        if (typeof message != 'string') {
            options = message;
            message = options.msg || '';
            level = options.level || level;
            dump = options.dump;
            stack = options.stack;

            if (options.indent) {
            } else if (options.outdent) {
                log.indent = indent = Math.max(indent - 1, 0);

            if (dump && !(con && con.dir)) {
                message += dumpObject(dump);
                dump = null;

        if (arguments.length > 1) {
            message += Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).join('');

        message = indent ? Ext.String.repeat(' ', log.indentSize * indent) + message : message;
        // w/o console, all messages are equal, so munge the level into the message:
        if (level != 'log') {
            message = '[' + level.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + '] ' + message;

        // Not obvious, but 'console' comes and goes when Firebug is turned on/off, so
        // an early test may fail either direction if Firebug is toggled.
        if (con) { // if (Firebug-like console)
            if (con[level]) {
            } else {

            if (dump) {

            if (stack && con.trace) {
                // Firebug's console.error() includes a trace already...
                if (!con.firebug || level != 'error') {
        } else {
            if (Ext.isOpera) {
            } else {
                out = log.out;
                max = log.max;

                if (out.length >= max) {
                    // this formula allows out.max to change (via debugger), where the
                    // more obvious "max/4" would not quite be the same
                    Ext.Array.erase(out, 0, out.length - 3 * Math.floor(max / 4)); // keep newest 75%


        // Mostly informational, but the Ext.Error notifier uses them:

    function logx (level, args) {
        if (typeof args[0] == 'string') {
        args[0].level = level;
        log.apply(this, args);

    log.error = function () {
        logx('error', Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
    log.info = function () {
        logx('info', Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
    log.warn = function () {
        logx('warn', Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));

    log.count = 0;
    log.counters = { error: 0, warn: 0, info: 0, log: 0 };
    log.indentSize = 2;
    log.out = [];
    log.max = 750;
    log.show = function () {
            '<html><head><script type="text/javascript">',
                'var lastCount = 0;',
                'function update () {',
                    'var ext = window.opener.Ext,',
                        'extlog = ext && ext.log;',
                    'if (extlog && extlog.out && lastCount != extlog.count) {',
                        'lastCount = extlog.count;',
                        'var s = "<tt>" + extlog.out.join("~~~").replace(/[&]/g, "&amp;").replace(/[<]/g, "&lt;").replace(/[ ]/g, "&#160;").replace(/\\~\\~\\~/g, "<br/>") + "</tt>";',
                        'document.body.innerHTML = s;',
                    'setTimeout(update, 1000);',
                'setTimeout(update, 1000);',

    nullLog = function () {};
    nullLog.info = nullLog.warn = nullLog.error = Ext.emptyFn;

    // also update Version.js
    Ext.setVersion('extjs', '');
    Ext.apply(Ext, {
         * @property {String} SSL_SECURE_URL
         * URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src
         * to prevent the IE insecure content warning (`'about:blank'`, except for IE
         * in secure mode, which is `'javascript:""'`).
        SSL_SECURE_URL : isSecure && isIE ? 'javascript:\'\'' : 'about:blank',

         * @property {Boolean} enableFx
         * True if the {@link Ext.fx.Anim} Class is available.

        plainTableCls: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix + 'table-plain', 

        plainListCls: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix + 'list-plain', 

         * @property {Boolean} enableNestedListenerRemoval
         * **Experimental.** True to cascade listener removal to child elements when an element
         * is removed. Currently not optimized for performance.
        enableNestedListenerRemoval : false,

         * @property {Boolean} USE_NATIVE_JSON
         * Indicates whether to use native browser parsing for JSON methods.
         * This option is ignored if the browser does not support native JSON methods.
         * **Note:** Native JSON methods will not work with objects that have functions.
         * Also, property names must be quoted, otherwise the data will not parse.
        USE_NATIVE_JSON : false,

         * Returns the dom node for the passed String (id), dom node, or Ext.Element.
         * Optional 'strict' flag is needed for IE since it can return 'name' and
         * 'id' elements by using getElementById.
         * Here are some examples:
         *     // gets dom node based on id
         *     var elDom = Ext.getDom('elId');
         *     // gets dom node based on the dom node
         *     var elDom1 = Ext.getDom(elDom);
         *     // If we don&#39;t know if we are working with an
         *     // Ext.Element or a dom node use Ext.getDom
         *     function(el){
         *         var dom = Ext.getDom(el);
         *         // do something with the dom node
         *     }
         * **Note:** the dom node to be found actually needs to exist (be rendered, etc)
         * when this method is called to be successful.
         * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el
         * @return HTMLElement
        getDom : function(el, strict) {
            if (!el || !document) {
                return null;
            if (el.dom) {
                return el.dom;
            } else {
                if (typeof el == 'string') {
                    var e = Ext.getElementById(el);
                    // IE returns elements with the 'name' and 'id' attribute.
                    // we do a strict check to return the element with only the id attribute
                    if (e && isIE && strict) {
                        if (el == e.getAttribute('id')) {
                            return e;
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    return e;
                } else {
                    return el;

         * Removes a DOM node from the document.
         * Removes this element from the document, removes all DOM event listeners, and
         * deletes the cache reference. All DOM event listeners are removed from this element.
         * If {@link Ext#enableNestedListenerRemoval Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval} is
         * `true`, then DOM event listeners are also removed from all child nodes.
         * The body node will be ignored if passed in.
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The node to remove
         * @method
        removeNode : isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8
            ? (function() {
                var d;
                return function(n){
                    if(n && n.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY'){
                        (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(n) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(n);

                        var cache = Ext.cache,
                            id = n.id;

                        if (cache[id]) {
                            delete cache[id].dom;
                            delete cache[id];

                        if (isIE8 && n.parentNode) {
                        d = d || document.createElement('div');
                        d.innerHTML = '';
            : function(n) {
                if (n && n.parentNode && n.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') {
                    (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(n) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(n);

                    var cache = Ext.cache,
                        id = n.id;

                    if (cache[id]) {
                        delete cache[id].dom;
                        delete cache[id];


        isStrict: isStrict,

        // IE10 quirks behaves like Gecko/WebKit quirks, so don't include it here
        isIEQuirks: isIE && (!isStrict && (isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9)),

         * True if the detected browser is Opera.
         * @type Boolean
        isOpera : isOpera,

         * True if the detected browser is Opera 10.5x.
         * @type Boolean
        isOpera10_5 : isOpera10_5,

         * True if the detected browser uses WebKit.
         * @type Boolean
        isWebKit : isWebKit,

         * True if the detected browser is Chrome.
         * @type Boolean
        isChrome : isChrome,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari : isSafari,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari 3.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari3 : isSafari3,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari 4.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari4 : isSafari4,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari 5.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari5 : isSafari5,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari 5.0.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari5_0 : isSafari5_0,

         * True if the detected browser is Safari 2.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isSafari2 : isSafari2,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE : isIE,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 6.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE6 : isIE6,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE7 : isIE7,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x or lower.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE7m : isIE6 || isIE7,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x or higher.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE7p : isIE && !isIE6,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE8 : isIE8,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or lower.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE8m : isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or higher.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE8p : isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7),

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE9 : isIE9,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or lower.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE9m : isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9,

         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or higher.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE9p : isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8),
         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE10 : isIE10, 
         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or lower.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE10m : isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9 || isIE10,
         * True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or higher.
         * @type Boolean
        isIE10p : isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9),

         * True if the detected browser uses the Gecko layout engine (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox).
         * @type Boolean
        isGecko : isGecko,

         * True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 1.9+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 3.x).
         * @type Boolean
        isGecko3 : isGecko3,

         * True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 2.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 4.x).
         * @type Boolean
        isGecko4 : isGecko4,

         * True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 5.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 5.x).
         * @type Boolean
        isGecko5 : isGecko5,

         * True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 5.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 5.x).
         * @type Boolean
        isGecko10 : isGecko10,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.0
         * @type Boolean
        isFF3_0 : isFF3_0,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.5
         * @type Boolean
        isFF3_5 : isFF3_5,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.6
         * @type Boolean
        isFF3_6 : isFF3_6,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 4
         * @type Boolean
        isFF4 : 4 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 5,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 5
         * @type Boolean
        isFF5 : 5 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 6,

         * True if the detected browser uses FireFox 10
         * @type Boolean
        isFF10 : 10 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 11,

         * True if the detected platform is Linux.
         * @type Boolean
        isLinux : isLinux,

         * True if the detected platform is Windows.
         * @type Boolean
        isWindows : isWindows,

         * True if the detected platform is Mac OS.
         * @type Boolean
        isMac : isMac,

         * The current version of Chrome (0 if the browser is not Chrome).
         * @type Number
        chromeVersion: chromeVersion,

         * The current version of Firefox (0 if the browser is not Firefox).
         * @type Number
        firefoxVersion: firefoxVersion,

         * The current version of IE (0 if the browser is not IE). This does not account
         * for the documentMode of the current page, which is factored into {@link #isIE7},
         * {@link #isIE8} and {@link #isIE9}. Thus this is not always true:
         *     Ext.isIE8 == (Ext.ieVersion == 8)
         * @type Number
        ieVersion: ieVersion,

         * The current version of Opera (0 if the browser is not Opera).
         * @type Number
        operaVersion: operaVersion,

         * The current version of Safari (0 if the browser is not Safari).
         * @type Number
        safariVersion: safariVersion,

         * The current version of WebKit (0 if the browser does not use WebKit).
         * @type Number
        webKitVersion: webKitVersion,

         * True if the page is running over SSL
         * @type Boolean
        isSecure: isSecure,

         * URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with
         * CSS background images. In older versions of IE, this defaults to
         * "http://sencha.com/s.gif" and you should change this to a URL on your server.
         * For other browsers it uses an inline data URL.
         * @type String
        BLANK_IMAGE_URL : (isIE6 || isIE7) ? '/' + '/www.sencha.com/s.gif' : '',

         * Utility method for returning a default value if the passed value is empty.
         * The value is deemed to be empty if it is:
         * - null
         * - undefined
         * - an empty array
         * - a zero length string (Unless the `allowBlank` parameter is `true`)
         * @param {Object} value The value to test
         * @param {Object} defaultValue The value to return if the original value is empty
         * @param {Boolean} [allowBlank=false] true to allow zero length strings to qualify as non-empty.
         * @return {Object} value, if non-empty, else defaultValue
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Use {@link Ext#valueFrom} instead
        value : function(v, defaultValue, allowBlank){
            return Ext.isEmpty(v, allowBlank) ? defaultValue : v;

         * Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression.
         * @param {String} str
         * @return {String}
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Use {@link Ext.String#escapeRegex} instead
        escapeRe : function(s) {
            return s.replace(/([-.*+?\^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");

         * Applies event listeners to elements by selectors when the document is ready.
         * The event name is specified with an `@` suffix.
         *     Ext.addBehaviors({
         *         // add a listener for click on all anchors in element with id foo
         *         '#foo a@click' : function(e, t){
         *             // do something
         *         },
         *         // add the same listener to multiple selectors (separated by comma BEFORE the @)
         *         '#foo a, #bar span.some-class@mouseover' : function(){
         *             // do something
         *         }
         *     });
         * @param {Object} obj The list of behaviors to apply
        addBehaviors : function(o){
            } else {
                var cache = {}, // simple cache for applying multiple behaviors to same selector does query multiple times
                for (b in o) {
                    if ((parts = b.split('@'))[1]) { // for Object prototype breakers
                        s = parts[0];
                            cache[s] = Ext.select(s);
                        cache[s].on(parts[1], o[b]);
                cache = null;

         * Returns the size of the browser scrollbars. This can differ depending on
         * operating system settings, such as the theme or font size.
         * @param {Boolean} [force] true to force a recalculation of the value.
         * @return {Object} An object containing scrollbar sizes.
         * @return {Number} return.width The width of the vertical scrollbar.
         * @return {Number} return.height The height of the horizontal scrollbar.
        getScrollbarSize: function (force) {
            if (!Ext.isReady) {
                return {};

            if (force || !scrollbarSize) {
                var db = document.body,
                    div = document.createElement('div');

                div.style.width = div.style.height = '100px';
                div.style.overflow = 'scroll';
                div.style.position = 'absolute';

                db.appendChild(div); // now we can measure the div...

                // at least in iE9 the div is not 100px - the scrollbar size is removed!
                scrollbarSize = {
                    width: div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth,
                    height: div.offsetHeight - div.clientHeight


            return scrollbarSize;

         * Utility method for getting the width of the browser's vertical scrollbar. This
         * can differ depending on operating system settings, such as the theme or font size.
         * This method is deprected in favor of {@link #getScrollbarSize}.
         * @param {Boolean} [force] true to force a recalculation of the value.
         * @return {Number} The width of a vertical scrollbar.
         * @deprecated
        getScrollBarWidth: function(force){
            var size = Ext.getScrollbarSize(force);
            return size.width + 2; // legacy fudge factor

         * Copies a set of named properties fom the source object to the destination object.
         * Example:
         *     ImageComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, {
         *         initComponent: function() {
         *             this.autoEl = { tag: 'img' };
         *             MyComponent.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
         *             this.initialBox = Ext.copyTo({}, this.initialConfig, 'x,y,width,height');
         *         }
         *     });
         * Important note: To borrow class prototype methods, use {@link Ext.Base#borrow} instead.
         * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
         * @param {Object} source The source object.
         * @param {String/String[]} names Either an Array of property names, or a comma-delimited list
         * of property names to copy.
         * @param {Boolean} [usePrototypeKeys] Defaults to false. Pass true to copy keys off of the
         * prototype as well as the instance.
         * @return {Object} The modified object.
        copyTo : function(dest, source, names, usePrototypeKeys){
            if(typeof names == 'string'){
                names = names.split(/[,;\s]/);

            var n,
                nLen = names? names.length : 0,

            for(n = 0; n < nLen; n++) {
                name = names[n];

                if(usePrototypeKeys || source.hasOwnProperty(name)){
                    dest[name] = source[name];

            return dest;

         * Attempts to destroy and then remove a set of named properties of the passed object.
         * @param {Object} o The object (most likely a Component) who's properties you wish to destroy.
         * @param {String...} args One or more names of the properties to destroy and remove from the object.
        destroyMembers : function(o){
            for (var i = 1, a = arguments, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
                delete o[a[i]];

         * Logs a message. If a console is present it will be used. On Opera, the method
         * "opera.postError" is called. In other cases, the message is logged to an array
         * "Ext.log.out". An attached debugger can watch this array and view the log. The
         * log buffer is limited to a maximum of "Ext.log.max" entries (defaults to 250).
         * The `Ext.log.out` array can also be written to a popup window by entering the
         * following in the URL bar (a "bookmarklet"):
         *     javascript:void(Ext.log.show());
         * If additional parameters are passed, they are joined and appended to the message.
         * A technique for tracing entry and exit of a function is this:
         *     function foo () {
         *         Ext.log({ indent: 1 }, '>> foo');
         *         // log statements in here or methods called from here will be indented
         *         // by one step
         *         Ext.log({ outdent: 1 }, '<< foo');
         *     }
         * This method does nothing in a release build.
         * @param {String/Object} [options] The message to log or an options object with any
         * of the following properties:
         *  - `msg`: The message to log (required).
         *  - `level`: One of: "error", "warn", "info" or "log" (the default is "log").
         *  - `dump`: An object to dump to the log as part of the message.
         *  - `stack`: True to include a stack trace in the log.
         *  - `indent`: Cause subsequent log statements to be indented one step.
         *  - `outdent`: Cause this and following statements to be one step less indented.
         * @param {String...} [message] The message to log (required unless specified in
         * options object).
         * @method
        log :
            log ||

         * Partitions the set into two sets: a true set and a false set.
         * Example 1:
         *     Ext.partition([true, false, true, true, false]);
         *     // returns [[true, true, true], [false, false]]
         * Example 2:
         *     Ext.partition(
         *         Ext.query("p"),
         *         function(val){
         *             return val.className == "class1"
         *         }
         *     );
         *     // true are those paragraph elements with a className of "class1",
         *     // false set are those that do not have that className.
         * @param {Array/NodeList} arr The array to partition
         * @param {Function} truth (optional) a function to determine truth.
         * If this is omitted the element itself must be able to be evaluated for its truthfulness.
         * @return {Array} [array of truish values, array of falsy values]
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Will be removed in the next major version
        partition : function(arr, truth){
            var ret = [[],[]],
                a, v,
                aLen = arr.length;

            for (a = 0; a < aLen; a++) {
                v = arr[a];
                ret[ (truth && truth(v, a, arr)) || (!truth && v) ? 0 : 1].push(v);

            return ret;

         * Invokes a method on each item in an Array.
         * Example:
         *     Ext.invoke(Ext.query("p"), "getAttribute", "id");
         *     // [el1.getAttribute("id"), el2.getAttribute("id"), ..., elN.getAttribute("id")]
         * @param {Array/NodeList} arr The Array of items to invoke the method on.
         * @param {String} methodName The method name to invoke.
         * @param {Object...} args Arguments to send into the method invocation.
         * @return {Array} The results of invoking the method on each item in the array.
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Will be removed in the next major version
        invoke : function(arr, methodName){
            var ret  = [],
                args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2),
                a, v,
                aLen = arr.length;

            for (a = 0; a < aLen; a++) {
                v = arr[a];

                if (v && typeof v[methodName] == 'function') {
                    ret.push(v[methodName].apply(v, args));
                } else {

            return ret;

         * Zips N sets together.
         * Example 1:
         *     Ext.zip([1,2,3],[4,5,6]); // [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
         * Example 2:
         *     Ext.zip(
         *         [ "+", "-", "+"],
         *         [  12,  10,  22],
         *         [  43,  15,  96],
         *         function(a, b, c){
         *             return "$" + a + "" + b + "." + c
         *         }
         *     ); // ["$+12.43", "$-10.15", "$+22.96"]
         * @param {Array/NodeList...} arr This argument may be repeated. Array(s)
         * to contribute values.
         * @param {Function} zipper (optional) The last item in the argument list.
         * This will drive how the items are zipped together.
         * @return {Array} The zipped set.
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Will be removed in the next major version
        zip : function(){
            var parts = Ext.partition(arguments, function( val ){ return typeof val != 'function'; }),
                arrs = parts[0],
                fn = parts[1][0],
                len = Ext.max(Ext.pluck(arrs, "length")),
                ret = [],

            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                ret[i] = [];
                    ret[i] = fn.apply(fn, Ext.pluck(arrs, i));
                    for (j = 0, aLen = arrs.length; j < aLen; j++){
                        ret[i].push( arrs[j][i] );
            return ret;

         * Turns an array into a sentence, joined by a specified connector - e.g.:
         *     Ext.toSentence(['Adama', 'Tigh', 'Roslin']); //'Adama, Tigh and Roslin'
         *     Ext.toSentence(['Adama', 'Tigh', 'Roslin'], 'or'); //'Adama, Tigh or Roslin'
         * @param {String[]} items The array to create a sentence from
         * @param {String} connector The string to use to connect the last two words.
         * Usually 'and' or 'or' - defaults to 'and'.
         * @return {String} The sentence string
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Will be removed in the next major version
        toSentence: function(items, connector) {
            var length = items.length,

            if (length <= 1) {
                return items[0];
            } else {
                head = items.slice(0, length - 1);
                tail = items[length - 1];

                return Ext.util.Format.format("{0} {1} {2}", head.join(", "), connector || 'and', tail);

         * Sets the default font-family to use for components that support a `glyph` config.
         * @param {String} fontFamily The name of the font-family
        setGlyphFontFamily: function(fontFamily) {
            Ext._glyphFontFamily = fontFamily;

         * @property {Boolean} useShims
         * By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed.
         * If you are using flash, you may want to set this to true.
        useShims: isIE6

 * Loads Ext.app.Application class and starts it up with given configuration after the
 * page is ready.
 * See `Ext.app.Application` for details.
 * @param {Object/String} config Application config object or name of a class derived from Ext.app.Application.
Ext.application = function(config) {
    var App, paths, ns;
    if (typeof config === "string") {
        Ext.require(config, function(){
            App = Ext.ClassManager.get(config);
    else {
        // We have to process `paths` before creating Application class,
        // or `requires` won't work.
        Ext.Loader.setPath(config.name, config.appFolder || 'app');
        if (paths = config.paths) {
            for (ns in paths) {
                if (paths.hasOwnProperty(ns)) {
                    Ext.Loader.setPath(ns, paths[ns]);
        config['paths processed'] = true;
        // Let Ext.define do the hard work but don't assign a class name.
        Ext.define(config.name + ".$application", Ext.apply({
                extend: 'Ext.app.Application' // can be replaced by config!
            }, config),
            // call here when the App class gets full defined
            function () {
                App = this;

    Ext.onReady(function() {
        // this won't be called until App has been created and its requires have been
        // met...
        Ext.app.Application.instance = new App();